Striking image for StoryGraph Biggest Story 2021-02-24

StoryGraph Biggest Story 2021-02-24 -- joe manchin (3), sen joe (2), secretary interior (2), rep alexandria (2), public land use and fossil fuels as radical (2)

A news brief made from 3/85 recently archived news articles
Most frequent entities
Most frequent sumgrams
joe manchin (3), sen joe (2), secretary interior (2), rep alexandria (2), public land use and fossil fuels as radical (2)

Congress rocked by consequential battles that will shape Biden's presidency

The future of the Biden presidency, the terrain of the midterm elections and the fate of the Republican Party will all be shaped by a series of early battles unfolding on Capitol Hill.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez rips Joe Manchin's opposition to Biden's nominee - CNN Video

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) lashed out at Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV) after he said he had doubts about Deb Haaland's nomination to Secretary of the Interior, which comes on the heels of his opposition to the confirmation of Neera Tanedem to lead the Office of Management and Budget.

Manchin announces he will vote to confirm Haaland as interior secretary

Senate Energy and Natural Resources Chairman Joe Manchin, a key moderate Democrat from West Virginia, announced Wednesday that he will vote to confirm Deb Haaland, President Joe Biden's pick to be Interior secretary.

This story was constructed with the SHARI Process:

  1. The StoryGraph Toolkit extracted URIs from the biggest story of the day from the StoryGraph service
  2. Hypercane performed the following steps:
    1. It accepted the list of original resource URIs from the output of the StoryGraph Toolkit, and queried the Memento Aggregator to find as many mementos as possible
    2. For resources that were not already mementos, it submitted them to web archives with ArchiveNow
    3. It analyzed all mementos to automatically discover the most frequent sumgrams and named entities present in the overall story
    4. It analyzed all images in these mementos to automatically select the best image for the overall story
    5. It then formatted the data for the story based on all of this input
  3. Raintale took the input from Hypercane and rendered the final product with information supplied by MementoEmbed
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Dark and Stormy Archives - Puddles

Visit the Dark and Stormy Archives (DSA) project web site for information on research, software, and more that supports storytelling with web archives.