Striking image for StoryGraph Biggest Story 2022-06-10

StoryGraph Biggest Story 2022-06-10 -- liz cheney (24), attorney general (19), bennie thompson (17), 6, 2021 (16), vice president mike pence (15)

A news brief made from 35/85 recently archived news articles
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liz cheney (24), attorney general (19), bennie thompson (17), 6, 2021 (16), vice president mike pence (15)

Rachel Maddow Zeroes In On Evidence That House Republicans Committed Crimes In Trump’s Coup

Rachel Maddow asked Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) about Republicans in Congress trying to get preemptive pardons as evidence of crimes.

Bennie Thompson Just Unleashed A Jaw Dropper That Could Land Trump In Prison

1/6 Committee Chair Bennie Thompson said that witnesses will testify that people in Trump's orbit had contact with Oath Keepers and Proud Boys.

Fox News Refuses To Show 1/6 Attack Footage To Their Viewers

Instead of showing the never before seen footage of the 1/6 attack, Fox News pulled back while Tucker Carlson voiced over conspiracy theories.

Never Before Seen Video Footage of Domestic Terrorists on January 6th

The 1/6 Select Committee showed never before seen footage of the domestic terrorists right outside of the House doors during the first January 6th Committee hearing on Thursday evening.

The first January 6 hearing served up surprising revelations — that all point to Trump

The first hearing of the January 6 select committee lived up to the ample hype surrounding it.

What to expect from the January 6 hearings

The House committee on the January 6, 2021, Capitol riot hopes for a public reckoning on the events that culminated in the attack.

Highlights from Jan. 6 committee's first prime time hearing

The House Select Committee held their first prime time hearing on the investigation into the Capitol riot. They presented some of the testimony that would be presented and heard from an officer who was injured in the attack.

'He didn't make a single phone call': evidence paints picture of Trump inaction on Jan. 6

Lawrence O'Donnell and a panel of MSNBC colleagues discuss the evidence presented in the first January 6th hearing that shows Donald Trump deliberately not doing anything to stop the violence at the Capitol.

Theme of first hearing's evidence: January 6th was Trump's plan

Nicolle Wallace and her MSNBC colleagues review some of the new evidence revealed in the first hour of the first hearing by the January 6th Committee and discuss how the evidence suggests that the attack on the Capitol was not a protest that got out of hand but was Donald Trump's plan all along.

Schiff encourages DOJ to watch January 6th hearings carefully

Rep. Adam Schiff, member of the January 6th Committee, talks with Joy Reid, Lawrence O'Donnell, and Nicolle Wallace about the evidence in the first January 6th hearing calling White House staff and members of Congress to account, and whether the Department of Justice should be paying attention to what the committee learned in its investigation.

Trump Is Depicted as a Would-Be Autocrat Seeking to Hang Onto Power at All Costs

As the Jan. 6 committee outlined during its prime-time hearing, Donald J. Trump executed a seven-part conspiracy to overturn a free and fair democratic election.

Three Characters at the Heart of an Unsettling Jan. 6 Narrative

The House committee built the story it laid out around Donald Trump, the Proud Boys and a Capitol Police officer, drawing clear contrasts along the way.

5 Takeaways From the First Jan. 6 Hearing

The committee’s leaders laid out what they described as an intentional scheme with Donald J. Trump at the center. Videotaped testimony showed that key figures surrounding the president didn’t believe the lie of a stolen election.

Analysis | Fox News didn’t just ignore the Jan. 6 hearing. It did something worse.

The network's declaration that it wouldn't cover the House select committee hearing didn't mention that its programming would instead focus on tearing the committee's work down.

Analysis | How damning was the Ivanka Trump and Mark Meadows testimony?

The clips of them being informed that Trump’s claims were bogus are worth parsing — as are others featured by the Jan. 6 committee.

Analysis | 6 takeaways from the Jan. 6 committee’s first prime-time hearing

The committee said they held former president Donald Trump directly culpable for the violence of Jan. 6.

Takeaways from the prime-time January 6 committee hearing

The House select committee investigating the January 6, 2021 US Capitol attack held its first prime-time hearing Thursday evening, detailing the findings of the panel's investigation and playing new video from closed-door depositions of members of former President Donald Trump's team and depicting the violence at the Capitol.

Cheney: Scott Perry sought pardon for role in trying to overturn 2020 election results

The new details surfaced during the Jan. 6 select committee's first public hearing, as it launched the unveiling of its findings of a yearlong investigation into the insurrection.

‘It was carnage’: Committee tees up case that Trump fueled Jan. 6 violence

In the select committee’s first hearing, lawmakers tried to connect the former president's actions with escalations of violence during the Capitol attack.

Proud Boys leaders say DOJ mixed ‘politics and criminal justice’ with sedition indictment

Attorneys for the Proud Boys members charged with seditious conspiracy this week on Thursday accused the Department of Justice of “mixing politics and criminal justice.” “Mixing politics and crimin…

Trump takes to Truth Social to fire back at Jan. 6 committee

Former President Trump late on Thursday took to his Truth Social platform to condemn the House Jan. 6 committee’s prime-time public hearing. “So the Unselect Committee of political HACK…

Tucker Carlson on January 6th Hearings: "They Are Lying And We Are Not Going To Help Them Do It"

Tucker Carlson lambasted the House January 6th Committee for holding a primetime hearing while gas prices are through the roof and the country is facing nuclear war on the Thursday broadcast of his FOX News program. Carlson explained why he will not be covering it in a monologue. CARLSON: It tells you a lot about the priorities of the ruling class that the rest of us are getting yet another lecture about January 6th tonight from our moral inferiors, no less. An outbreak of mob violence, a forgettably minor outbreak by recent standards that took place more than a half ago but they've never stopped talking about it. In the meantime, in the 18 months since January 6th, gas prices have doubled, drug ODs have reached their highest point ever, the U.S. economy is careening toward the devastating recession at best, and scariest and least noted of all, this country has never in its history been closer to a nuclear war. If the other networks cannot be bothered to cover any of that tonight, instead they've interrupted their regularly scheduled programming to bring you yet another extended prime time harangue from Nancy Pelosi and Liz Cheney about Donald Trump and QAnon. The whole thing is insulting. In fact, it's deranged and we 're not playing along. This is the only hour on an American news channel that will not be carrying their propaganda live. They are lying and we are not going to help them do it. What we will do instead is try to tell you the truth. We've attempted to do that since the day this happened. We hated seeing vandalism at the U.S. Capitol a year and a half ago and we said so at the time, but we did not think it was an insurrection because it was not an insurrection. It was not even close to an insurrection. Not a single person in the crowd that day was found to be carrying a firearm. Some insurrection. In fact, the only person who wound up shot to death was a protester. She was a 36-year-old military veteran called Ashli Babbitt. Babbitt was just over 5 feet tall, she was unarmed. She posed no conceivable threat to anyone. But Capitol Hill Police shot her in the neck and never explained why that was justified. Those of the facts of January 6th.

Watch: Partisan, Anti-Trump House Committee Holds Public 1/6 Hearing

A partisan committee appointed by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) is holding a show trial at 8:00 p.m. EST on Thursday.

Jason Miller Says Cheney Deceptively Edited Testimony for Jan 6 Hearing

Jason Miller said that Rep. Liz Cheney deceptively edited his testimony that was played during the January 6 Committee’s primetime hearing. 

Steve Schmidt Calls For Every Republican Who Asked For A Preemptive Pardon To Be Expelled From Congress

Steve Schmidt responded to the revelation that Republicans in Congress requested preemptive pardons for participating in Trump's coup by suggesting that they all be expelled.

Jan. 6 Hearing Opens With Trump's AG William Barr Calling Stolen Election Claim 'Bullshit'

The bipartisan panel has been raising expectations of new information that puts Donald Trump "at the center" of the scheme to overturn his election loss.

Opinion | The explosive evidence of the first Jan. 6 committee hearing

The committee promises to clearly link former President Donald Trump with the insurrection that nearly managed to keep him in office.

‘Trump Was at the Center’: Jan. 6 Hearing Lays Out Case in Vivid Detail

The House panel investigating the attack led its public sessions with video testimony from people close to the former president about his actions before and during the riot.

Post Politics Now: After dramatic first night, Jan. 6 panel plans several more high-profile hearings

Meanwhile, President Biden remains in Los Angeles, where he is hosting a Summit of the Americas. Biden also plans an event Friday focused on inflation, an issue that has dogged his presidency.

January 6 Vice Chair Cheney said Trump had a 'seven-part plan' to overturn the election. Here's what she meant

Former President Donald Trump had a "sophisticated seven-point plan" to overturn the 2020 presidential election over the course of several months, January 6 committee Vice Chair Liz Cheney said, detailing how the panel plans to use its future hearings to tackle each part of the scheme.

Jan. 6 panel lets Trump allies narrate the case against him

At the select committee's first hearing, members mostly took a back seat while airing the testimony from members of Donald Trump's inner circle.

Takeaways: ‘Carnage’ at the Capitol and a Case Against Trump | RealClearPolitics

WASHINGTON (AP) — An injured officer who slipped in blood and spoke of “carnage.” Video of a huge, violent mob pushing through the U.S. Capitol. Former...

*** January 6 Committee Hearing Livewire *** Democrats Bet It All Here

Democrats have decided to bet their entire political future on a few hours of a primetime televised hearing of the January 6 Select Committee.

This story was constructed with the SHARI Process:

  1. The StoryGraph Toolkit extracted URIs from the biggest story of the day from the StoryGraph service
  2. Hypercane performed the following steps:
    1. It accepted the list of original resource URIs from the output of the StoryGraph Toolkit, and queried the Memento Aggregator to find as many mementos as possible
    2. For resources that were not already mementos, it submitted them to web archives with ArchiveNow
    3. It analyzed all mementos to automatically discover the most frequent sumgrams and named entities present in the overall story
    4. It analyzed all images in these mementos to automatically select the best image for the overall story
    5. It then formatted the data for the story based on all of this input
  3. Raintale took the input from Hypercane and rendered the final product with information supplied by MementoEmbed
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