Striking image for StoryGraph Biggest Story 2022-02-16

StoryGraph Biggest Story 2022-02-16 -- invasion ukraine (6), a russian invasion (6), the biden administration (5), ukraine united (4), ukraine russia (4)

A news brief made from 12/85 recently archived news articles
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invasion ukraine (6), a russian invasion (6), the biden administration (5), ukraine united (4), ukraine russia (4)

The increasingly complicated Russia-Ukraine crisis, explained

How the world got here, what Russia wants, and more questions, answered.

Biden Tells Putin What Trump Never Would: The US Will Defend Every Inch Of NATO Territory

President Biden delivered a dire warning to Putin that if he invades Ukraine, the US will rally the world and defend NATO territory.

America Is Back As Schumer And McConnell Send Bipartisan Warning To Putin

Senate Majority Leader Schumer and Minority Leader McConnell released a joint Senate statement of solidarity with Ukraine.

As Russia Welcomes Talks, Biden Warns Invasion Is Still Possible

President Vladimir V. Putin said he was pulling some Russian troops back from areas close to Ukraine, hinting at cooling the crisis, but U.S. officials say it is too soon to gauge his intentions.

Senate Republicans Block 6 Biden FED Nominees In Biggest Obstruction In Years

Senate Republicans want Sarah Bloom Raskin dropped as a nominee, so they are blocking Biden's slate of nominees for Federal Reserve positions.

Analysis: Biden seeks to shore up his domestic flank in his showdown with Putin

Many Americans are puzzled at being dragged into a 1970s-style Cold War showdown with Russia. On Tuesday, President Joe Biden tried to explain why the crisis matters.

Fox News Contributor Mike Thiessen Praises Biden’s ‘Excellent’ Russia Speech

Conservative News reporter Mike Theissen praised Biden’s address on the Russia-Ukraine crisis Tuesday, February 15, on Fox News.

On Ukraine, U.S. and Russia Wage Signaling War to Avert Actual War

Each side is trying to convince the other that the price of conflict is too high. It is a complex game played with deliberate ambiguity, raising the risk of lethal miscalculation.

U.S. Intelligence Agencies Face Crucial Test in Deciphering Putin’s Motives

Knowing the intentions of any autocratic leader is difficult, but President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia, who began his career as a K.G.B. officer, poses a particular challenge.

Opinion: Mike Tyson has some words of wisdom for Putin

Frida Ghitis writes amid all the unknowns, there's only one thing we know with certainty about how a war would play out in Ukraine: it would be unpredictable. It's the geopolitical manifestation of the wisdom famously imparted by Mike Tyson: 'Everybody has a plan until they get punched in the mouth.'

Joe Biden leans on his long history -- and memories of 2014 -- to confront the Russia-Ukraine crisis

President Joe Biden listened politely Sunday as his Ukrainian counterpart made an audacious proposal: Fly to Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelensky told Biden, to show the world the United States is committed to stabilizing a region on edge.

NATO: No sign of Russian ‘de-escalation on the ground’ in Ukraine crisis

But alliance chief Jens Stoltenberg sees grounds for ‘cautious optimism’ in signals from Moscow.

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  1. The StoryGraph Toolkit extracted URIs from the biggest story of the day from the StoryGraph service
  2. Hypercane performed the following steps:
    1. It accepted the list of original resource URIs from the output of the StoryGraph Toolkit, and queried the Memento Aggregator to find as many mementos as possible
    2. For resources that were not already mementos, it submitted them to web archives with ArchiveNow
    3. It analyzed all mementos to automatically discover the most frequent sumgrams and named entities present in the overall story
    4. It analyzed all images in these mementos to automatically select the best image for the overall story
    5. It then formatted the data for the story based on all of this input
  3. Raintale took the input from Hypercane and rendered the final product with information supplied by MementoEmbed
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