Striking image for StoryGraph Biggest Story 2020-09-13

StoryGraph Biggest Story 2020-09-13 -- morbidity and mortality weekly reports (4), former trump campaign official michael caputo arrives at (4), department of health and human services (4), centers for disease control and prevention (4), bob woodward that (4)

A news brief made from 4/85 recently archived news articles
Most frequent entities
Most frequent sumgrams
morbidity and mortality weekly reports (4), former trump campaign official michael caputo arrives at (4), department of health and human services (4), centers for disease control and prevention (4), bob woodward that (4)

Trump officials interfered with CDC reports: Politico

Politically appointed members of the HHS communications teams were allowed to review, change and delay reports authored by the CDC, according to a Politico exposé.

Trump officials are reportedly manipulating the CDC’s Covid-19 reports

HHS officials pressured the CDC to conform with President Donald Trump’s public statements about the coronavirus.

Health Official Reportedly Pressured CDC To Alter COVID-19 Info To Back President

Health Department public affairs and former Trump campaign official Michael Caputo called pressure on scientists a defense against the "deep state."

Trump aides review CDC coronavirus reports to better align with president's upbeat messaging: report

President Trump's political aides have successfully demanded to review and, in some cases, modify weekly Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports on the coronavirus in an effort to better align the scientific reports with the president's upbeat messages on the pandemic, Politico reported.

This story was constructed with the SHARI Process:

  1. The StoryGraph Toolkit extracted URIs from the biggest story of the day from the StoryGraph service
  2. Hypercane performed the following steps:
    1. It accepted the list of original resource URIs from the output of the StoryGraph Toolkit, and queried the Memento Aggregator to find as many mementos as possible
    2. For resources that were not already mementos, it submitted them to web archives with ArchiveNow
    3. It analyzed all mementos to automatically discover the most frequent sumgrams and named entities present in the overall story
    4. It analyzed all images in these mementos to automatically select the best image for the overall story
    5. It then formatted the data for the story based on all of this input
  3. Raintale took the input from Hypercane and rendered the final product with information supplied by MementoEmbed
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Dark and Stormy Archives - Puddles

Visit the Dark and Stormy Archives (DSA) project web site for information on research, software, and more that supports storytelling with web archives.