Striking image for StoryGraph Biggest Story 2020-09-11

StoryGraph Biggest Story 2020-09-11 -- joe biden (11), the former vice president (7), the american people (6), new york times (6), journalist bob woodward (6)

A news brief made from 18/85 recently archived news articles
Most frequent entities
Most frequent sumgrams
joe biden (11), the former vice president (7), the american people (6), new york times (6), journalist bob woodward (6)

Reporter Gets Thrown Out Of Trump Rally After Taking Photos Of Maskless MAGA Crowd

The Trump campaign had a reporter thrown out of Its superspreader Michigan rally because she snapped photos of the largely maskless crowd.

The Trump Campaign Violates Michigan Law With Superspreader Campaign Rally

Even before Donald Trump touched down in the swing state of Michigan on Thursday night, his campaign broke state law.

‘Here We Go Again’: Rachel Maddow Warns That Russia’s Election Attacks Are Worse Than 2016

Maddow sounded the alarm about Russian involvement in this year's election, warning that the attacks could be worse than four years ago.

Trump Appears To Admit He Spends At Least 8 Hours Per Day Watching TV

Trump seemingly spends the same amount of time each day watching television as the average American spends at their 9-to-5, full-time job.

Biden: US Intelligence Agencies Don’t Trust Trump With Sensitive Information

Advertisements Joe Biden and the Democratic party had a great month of August. There was a successful convention and a jaw dropping amount of money raised. Biden has also maintained a healthy position in national polls. Throughout the month of September, the former Vice President hasn’t had to do much to help himself. And that’s … Continue reading "Biden: US Intelligence Agencies Don’t Trust Trump With Sensitive Information"

NYT reporter removed from Trump rally in Michigan

A New York Times reporter claims she was removed from President Trump’s campaign rally in Freeland, Mich., on Thursday after campaign staff located her using images she posted on Twitter.

Here's how much time Trump spends watching Fox News

The president told Sean Hannity he's really busy. That may be, at least in part, because of how much time he spends watching Fox News.

Trump says he didn't share classified information following Woodward book

President Trump on Thursday denied disclosing classified military information after excerpts from veteran journalist Bob Woodward’s forthcoming book said the president boasted about a supposedly secret nuclear weapons system. 

Analysis: Trump twists history of Churchill and FDR to cover up pandemic denialism

President Donald Trump is now not just downplaying the coronavirus -- he's resorting to absurd historical allusions about great World War II leaders to try to disguise his culpability in 190,000 American deaths.

Throwing the books at Trump

Newly released books will keep the White House in defense mode going into the fall.

Trump addresses supporters in Michigan; Biden seizes on coronavirus revelations in new book

Trump is staging a campaign rally in a battleground state in the Rust Belt a day after Biden took him to task for his economic stewardship during a stop in Michigan.

Biden Ignores Record Offshoring U.S. Auto Jobs in Pitch to Auto Workers

Democrat Joe Biden ignored his decades-long record on offshoring American auto jobs in a pitch to auto workers in Macomb County, Michigan.

Reporter to Trump: Why did you lie to the American people? - CNN Video

During a press briefing, President Donald Trump slammed a reporter for asking why he lied to the American people after journalist Bob Woodward released audio of Trump from February where he said the coronavirus was deadly.

CNN Exclusive: Biden says Trump has 'no conception' of national security

Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden said President Donald Trump "seems to have no conception of what constitutes national security" after Trump revealed in interviews with Bob Woodward the existence of a classified nuclear weapons system.

Joe Biden laughs about Donald Trump's 'Slow Joe' nickname - CNN Video

In an interview with CNN's Jake Tapper, Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden vows to be transparent about his health if he's elected president and laughs at Trump's "Slow Joe" nickname.

NY Times Hack Spouts Off After She Is Removed From Trump Michigan Rally -- Then The Truth Comes Out

New York Times hack Kathy Gray attended the Trump Michigan rally on Thursday night so she could take swipes at the president and his supporters. Kathy Gray was tweeting out in the crowd “Not many masks.” Crammed in crowd in the rain for trump rally in michigan. Not many masks — Kathy Gray (@michpoligal)…

'I didn't lie': A subdued but defensive Trump denies he misled despite tape

President Donald Trump, subdued but sharply defensive, insisted Thursday he hadn't lied to the American public about the severity of coronavirus even though he told a journalist on tape he was downplaying it to avoid panic.

Donald Trump: Joe Biden the 'Worst Presidential Candidate' in History of Politics

President Donald Trump on Thursday said that former Vice President Joe Biden was the worst presidential candidate in the history of politics.

This story was constructed with the SHARI Process:

  1. The StoryGraph Toolkit extracted URIs from the biggest story of the day from the StoryGraph service
  2. Hypercane performed the following steps:
    1. It accepted the list of original resource URIs from the output of the StoryGraph Toolkit, and queried the Memento Aggregator to find as many mementos as possible
    2. For resources that were not already mementos, it submitted them to web archives with ArchiveNow
    3. It analyzed all mementos to automatically discover the most frequent sumgrams and named entities present in the overall story
    4. It analyzed all images in these mementos to automatically select the best image for the overall story
    5. It then formatted the data for the story based on all of this input
  3. Raintale took the input from Hypercane and rendered the final product with information supplied by MementoEmbed
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