StoryGraph Biggest Story 2020-07-09 -- the supreme court ruled (23), new york (17), trump's financial records (16), chief justice john roberts (13), tax returns (11)
Trump Own Supreme Court Justices Set Him Up To Be Criminally Indicted
Trump will be doing a lot less bragging about Gorsuch and Kavanaugh after they opened the door for the President to be criminally indicted in New York.
Supreme Court Devastates Trump And Rules He Is Not Above The Law
Trump has been claiming for years that he has immunity and is above the law, but the Supreme Court ruled 7-2 that Trump has no special immunity.
Adam Schiff Tells Lt. Colonel Vindman: "Right Does Not Matter to Donald Trump"
Adam Schiff has written to Lt. Colonel Alexander Vindman to praise his service in the U.S. military and criticize Donald Trump for his role in Vindman’s early retirement. Vindman was a key witness in the House impeachment inquiry. He suffered sustained attacks from the President allies and announced this week he would retire from the … Continue reading "Adam Schiff Tells Lt. Colonel Vindman: “Right Does Not Matter to Donald Trump”"
Illinois Governor: White House Made States Fight "Sick Hunger Games" to Get PPE
The Governor of Illinois has described the White House’s handling of Coronavirus supplies as a “sick Hunger Games.” He blasted the lack of coordination. J.B. Pritzker, a Democrat, told CBS Chicago that there was no leadership from the White House on vital supplies for the pandemic. “The federal government wasn’t leading. We were,” Pritzker said. … Continue reading "Illinois Governor: White House Made States Fight “Sick Hunger Games” to Get PPE"
Pelosi: Supreme Court ruling on financial records is 'not good news' for Trump
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., praised the decisions made by the Supreme Court in regards to requests for President Trump's financial records. She claimed they were "not good news" for the president and showed he is "not above the law."
McCaskill: Supreme Court just gave Congress a road map to get tax returns
Fmr. Senator Claire McCaskill discusses the Supreme Court ruilings on PResident Donald Trump's financial records, saying that it is a "terrible day for Trump," and that "if Trump loses in 2020, he's looking at Cyrus Vance in a courtroom in 2021."
Landmark Supreme Court Ruling Affirms Native American Rights in Oklahoma
A 5-4 decision declaring that much of eastern Oklahoma is an Indian reservation could reshape criminal justice in the area by preventing state authorities from prosecuting Native Americans.
In 7-to-2 rulings in both cases, the justices rejected the president’s assertion that he enjoys absolute immunity while in office. Trump nominees Neil M. Gorsuch and Brett M. Kavanaugh joined the majorities.
Supreme Court says much of eastern Oklahoma remains Indian land
The 5-to-4 ruling has implications for 1.8 million residents, including in much of Tulsa.
Trump loses battle on financial records, but Supreme Court ruling buys him time
The Supreme Court on Thursday blocked House Democrats from accessing President Donald Trump's financial records, but ruled that the President is not immune from a subpoena for his financial documents from a New York prosecutor.
Toobin: This is a legal defeat, but practical victory - CNN Video
CNN legal analyst Jeffery Toobin reacts to the Supreme Court blocking House Democrats from accessing President Donald Trump's financial records, but ruling that the President is not immune from a subpoena for his financial documents from a New York prosecutor.
Here are some of Trump's first tweets after the rulings
Following the Supreme Court's decisions on his financial records, including one that said that the President is not immune to a New York prosecutor's subpoena, Trump said the court gave him a "delayed ruling" that they "never would have given" to another president.
READ: Supreme Court ruling on New York prosecutor request for Trump's financial records
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Trump complains of 'political prosecution' after SCOTUS rulings on financial records
President Trump on Thursday complained that he was being treated unfairly and subject to “political prosecution” after the Supreme Court ruled that New York state prosecutors could subpoena his financial records while blocking Democrats from acces
Supreme Court Rules Half Of Oklahoma Belongs To Native American Reservation
The Supreme Court, in a 5 - 4 ruling Thursday, recognized half of Oklahoma as tribal land and overturned a tribal nation member's 1,000 year rape sentence.
9 Radical Ideas in the Biden-Sanders 'Unity' Platform
The proposed platform marks Joe Biden's continued shift to the left, embracing "revolutionary institutional changes."
Biden-Sanders 'Unity' Platform Pledges to Close ANWR Again, Reversing Trump
Former Vice President Joe Biden would close the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR) to oil and gas exploration and development.
Joe Biden Vows to Reverse Supreme Court on Religious Exemptions in Obamacare
Former Vice President Joe Biden promised Wednesday to reverse the religious protections recently guaranteed by the U.S. Supreme Court.
On Thursday the Supreme Court ruled a grand jury in Manhattan can subpoena President Trump’s tax returns in their ongoing witch hunt against the president. President Trump tweeted out his response to this SCOTUS ruling following its release. Of course, he is not happy that the Supreme Court is allowing the political witch hunts to…
The Supreme Court ruled on two major decisions on Thursday morning. The Supreme Court ruled on two major Trump cases — Mazars and Vance. ** Vance determined a far left New York City grand jury can obtain President Trump’s financial records as part of a criminal investigation. ** The Mazars case then ruled the three…
BREAKING: Supreme Court Rules Trump Must Release Tax Records to NY Grand Jury
In a strong majority vote, the Supreme Court on Thursday voted 7-2 against President Trump in a case over whether the president could keep his tax records from the Manhattan district attorney. “The New York case stemmed from an investigation being pursued by Manhattan District Attorney Cy Vance Jr. Vance issued a subpoena to Trump’s…
Andrew Cuomo Calls Trump Tax Decision a "Victory for Democracy" as President Has Twitter Meltdown
Andrew Cuomo praised the Supreme Court’s decision to allow New York prosecutors access to Donald Trump’s tax returns on Thursday but the President himself was not happy. The Governor of New York welcomed the news that Manhattan District Attorney Cyrus Vance has the right to present the President returns to a grand jury. He is … Continue reading "Andrew Cuomo Calls Trump Tax Decision a “Victory for Democracy” as President Has Twitter Meltdown"
Supreme Court Does Not Allow House To Immediately Obtain Trump Financial Records
The court finally ruled on a case about the president's financial records on the final day of the term.
Will we see Trump's taxes? Pete Williams on what comes next after Supreme Court rulings
NBC News Justice Correspondent Pete Williams explains the Supreme Court rulings on President Donald Trump's financial records and if the public will see the president's tax returns.
Supreme Court Rules Trump Cannot Block Release of Financial Records
Two rulings clear the way for prosecutors in New York to seek President Trump’s financial records, but the justices stopped Congress for now.
Live updates: Supreme court decision on Trump's finances
SCOTUS ruled on two momentous cases on whether the House and a New York prosecutor can successfully subpoena Trump's accounting firm and banks for his taxes and financial documents. Follow here for the latest.
Supreme Court, 7-2: House Cannot Force Trump to Provide Tax Returns
In Mazars, the Court ruled that the House cannot simply demand any documents it wants, because of the separation of powers.
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