Striking image for StoryGraph Biggest Story 2023-02-18

StoryGraph Biggest Story 2023-02-18 -- secretary of state antony blinken (11), a chinese spy balloon (9), war ukraine (8), the biden administration (7), shot down (7)

A news brief made from 15/85 recently archived news articles
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secretary of state antony blinken (11), a chinese spy balloon (9), war ukraine (8), the biden administration (7), shot down (7)

Blinken Has Tense Meeting With Chinese Official Amid Spy Balloon Furor

The meeting resumed diplomatic contact between Washington and Beijing that had been frozen since the U.S. shot down a Chinese spy balloon.

US warns allies at Munich that China may increase support for Russia | CNN Politics

The US has recently begun seeing "disturbing" trendlines in China's support for Russia's military and there are signs that Beijing wants to "creep up to the line" of providing lethal military aid to Russia without getting caught, US officials familiar with the intelligence told CNN.

Blinken and China's top diplomat spar over spy balloon incident in Munich meeting

Wang Yi slams the United States' "excessive use of force" while Blinken warns such surveillance "must never again occur."

Blinken claims China ‘strongly considering’ providing Russia with ‘lethal assistance’

Secretary of State Antony Blinken said China is “strongly considering” providing Russia with “lethal assistance” in its nearly year-long war with Ukraine. Blinken, who met with his Chinese counterp…

US formally accuses Russia of crimes against humanity in Ukraine

Vice President Kamala Harris told the Munich Security Conference that the US will hold guilty Russians and ‘their superiors’ accountable.

Blinken says spy balloon was ‘unacceptable’ in first meeting with Chinese official, but ‘no apology’ offered

Secretary of State Antony Blinken told his Chinese counterpart on Saturday that the presence of a Chinese spy balloon in U.S. airspace was “unacceptable” in their first meeting since the balloon in…

Sunday shows preview: US-China tensions grow over balloon response, Russia-Ukraine war nears one-year mark

Heightened tensions between the U.S. and China over Washington’s response to a suspected spy balloon, as well as the upcoming one-year anniversary of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, are likely to dom…

The sense of a fractured world permeates Munich.

The U.S. description of the meeting, which resumed diplomatic contact between Washington and Beijing after it broke down over the balloon episode, said nothing about how the Chinese official, Wang ...

Trading Books for a Rifle: The Teacher Who Volunteered in Ukraine

When Russia invaded, recruiting officers asked no questions of the Ukrainian teacher. They handed her a rifle and 120 bullets, and assigned her to a unit expecting to fight in urban combat if the Russian Army broke into Kyiv.

Blinken and Chinese counterpart meet in first face-to-face since spy balloon shot down | CNN

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken met with China's top diplomat Wang Yi on Saturday, in the first face-to-face between senior US and Chinese officials since the US military shot down a suspected Chinese surveillance balloon earlier this month.

February 18, 2023 Russia-Ukraine news

The US has officially declared that Russia committed crimes against humanity during its war in Ukraine, Vice President Kamala Harris announced in Germany.

Opinion: 'The arc of history will not go Putin's way.' 7 voices on one year of war | CNN

On February 24, 2022, Russian President Vladimir Putin launched his full-scale invasion of Ukraine. We asked seven people close to the conflict -- from 'fixers' in Ukraine, to commentators in Moscow -- to reflect on the 1st anniversary of the war.

Blinken: 'Deep concern' that China could provide lethal support for Russia's war in Ukraine

Blinken characterized the U.S. relationship with China as “competitive” and “among the most consequential but also complex."

It’s the end of the world as we know it — and Munich feels nervous

If even the Germans are worried about the world’s perils, this could well be the moment to really start worrying.

China talks ‘peace,’ woos Europe and trashes Biden in Munich

Beijing will pitch its own peace plan. Europeans are predictably skeptical.

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  1. The StoryGraph Toolkit extracted URIs from the biggest story of the day from the StoryGraph service
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    1. It accepted the list of original resource URIs from the output of the StoryGraph Toolkit, and queried the Memento Aggregator to find as many mementos as possible
    2. For resources that were not already mementos, it submitted them to web archives with ArchiveNow
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    4. It analyzed all images in these mementos to automatically select the best image for the overall story
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