This story was generated by an expert archivist for Archive-It Collection 2017

This story originally appeared on Storify in 2016 before that platform was shut down on May 16, 2018. Here we employed Raintale to mimic the look of Storify as much as possible. Mementos of the stories from that research effort are available at the Internet Archive.

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Wikileaks 2010 Document Release Collection

by ait_stories 3 years ago 10 Views

Wikileaks - WikiLeaks

Latest Tweets Mon, 26 Jul 2010 23:41:51 wikileaks: HuffPost: "monumental leak of classified Afghan war documents to create deeper doubts about the war" Mon, 26 Jul 2010 23:24:24 wiki

Iraq War Logs

Al Jazeera English Al Jazeera finds evidence of US forces ignoring hundreds of cases of Iraqi-on-Iraqi torture, and uncovers disturbing under-reporting of civilian deaths by air attacks Sep 27, 201 News Article: WikiLeaks’ Redaction Doesn’t Remove Danger

WikiLeaks’ Redaction Doesn’t Remove Danger By Cheryl PellerinAmerican Forces Press Service WASHINGTON, Oct. 25, 2010 – Despite WikiLeaks’ attempt to redact the names of Iraqi informants from

Assange is 'force-feeding truth to a world that has no stomach for it' | Media |

Here's an interesting assessment of the Wikileaks phenomenon and its prime mover, Julian Assange, that makes a lot of sense.Alex Moore argues that Assange's countercultural mission is having a hard

Part II: WikiLeaks Founder Julian Assange on Iraq War Logs, "Tabloid Journalism" and Why WikiLeaks is "Under Siege"

AMY GOODMAN: We are going to turn back now to London, because we’ve just reconnected with Julian Assange, the editor-in-chief, the founder of WikiLeaks.Julian, we just have a few more minutes, and

WikiLeaks Founder Julian Assange on Iraq War Logs, "Tabloid Journalism" and Why WikiLeaks Is "Under Siege"

AMY GOODMAN: The Obama administration is defending the US military’s record in the Iraq war after coming under worldwide condemnation following the release of leaked secret documents that paint a g

Cable Viewer

Secret US Embassy Cables Translations [pt_br] Cablegate: Telegramas das embaixadas[fr] Wikileaks entame la publication de câbles diplomatiques US confidentiels[ru] WIKILEAKS приступил к публикации

WikiLeaks Archive — Cables Uncloak U.S. Diplomacy

Some of the cables, made available to The New York Times and several other news organizations, were written as recently as late February, revealing the Obama administration’s exchanges over crises

Statement by the Press Secretary | The White House

The White House Office of the Press Secretary For Immediate Release November 28, 2010 Statement by the Press Secretary We anticipate the release of what are claimed to be several hundred thousand

US turned blind eye to torture - Secret Iraq Files - Al Jazeera English

An alleged militant identified only as "DAT 326" was detained by the Iraqi army on July 7, 2006 at a checkpoint in the town of Tarmiya, north of Baghdad. When US forces interrogated him later that

WikiLeaks Archive — Cables Uncloak U.S. Diplomacy

Some of the cables, made available to The New York Times and several other news organizations, were written as recently as late February, revealing the Obama administration’s exchanges over crises

UAE – SCENESETTER FOR VISIT OF CJCS » StateLogs | Wikileaks diplomatic cables, by OWNI

UAE – SCENESETTER FOR VISIT OF CJCS Tweet Partager TAGS: Abu Dhabi Crown Prince, Admiral, Afghan Reintegration Fun

Iraq War Logs - SPIEGEL ONLINE - Nachrichten

The Cable Guy Julian Assange Becomes US's Public Enemy No. 1 SPIEGEL ONLINE - 07.12.2010 He may be on the short list for Time magazine's "person of the year," but many Americans consider Julia

Collateral Murder

Political language is designed to make lies sound truthful and murder respectable, and to give the appearance of solidity to pure wind. -- George Orwell Collateral Murder Overview Update: On July 6

[SOURCE REMOVED] TARGETED BY IRANIAN REGIME » StateLogs | Wikileaks diplomatic cables, by OWNI

[SOURCE REMOVED] TARGETED BY IRANIAN REGIME Tweet Partager TAGS: Alavi, Ali Reza Nourizadeh, America, California,

Julian Assange's lawyer tells extradition appeal arrest warrant is invalid

WikiLeaks founder's counsel claims in high court that Swedish judges were misled about sexual assault and rape allegations

The Iraq Archive: The Strands of a War - Iraq War Logs - WikiLeaks Documents

A huge trove of secret field reports from the battlegrounds of Iraq sheds new light on the war, including such fraught subjects as civilian deaths, detainee abuse and the involvement of Iran. The s

Collateral Murder

Political language is designed to make lies sound truthful and murder respectable, and to give the appearance of solidity to pure wind. -- George Orwell Collateral Murder Overview Update: On July 6

Iraq: The war logs | World news |

Xan Brooks: DreamWorks studio – founded by Spielberg, Katzenberg and Geffen – has bought the rights to WikiLeaks: Inside Julian Assange's War on Secrecy

The US embassy cables | World news | The Guardian

Manning, accused of leaking secrets to WikiLeaks, to go to pre-trial – known as Article 32 hearing – in Maryland next month


Main About Donate Banking Blockade Press Chat Supporters Join Friends of WikiLeaks Translate Archives2006-2010 Archives by country

WikiLeaks | Media | The Guardian

23 Dec 2011: For the past week, a military court has been considering the case of Bradley Manning, alleged to have leaked more than 250,000 embassy cables to Wikileaks. What have we


Main About Donate Banking Blockade Press Chat Supporters Join Friends of WikiLeaks Translate Archives2006-2010 Archives by country

Julian Assange sex claims not a crime in Latin America – Ecuador president

Rafael Correa says allegations should still be investigated but Ecuador will stand firm on asylum for WikiLeaks founder

How this story was constructed:

  1. As part of her work on "Generating Stories From Archived Collections", Yasmin AlNoamany requested that the Archive-It team assist expert archivists in selecting the best mementos from these collections. The archivists were given the following guidelines:
    • The representative mementos should be selected from within the collection. There should not be any memento from outside the collection.
    • The default value for the number of selected mementos is k ≈ 28. This value can be more or less based on the nature and size of each collection.
    • We expect to have three generated stories out of each collection. Depending on the nature of the collection, some kinds of stories may not be applicable. For those collections, please specify if any of the previous kinds of stories cannot be created.
    • You can choose a specific time period for generating the story. If the collection spans many years, you can choose a subset of the timespan of the collection.
    • For selecting individual mementos:
      • the language of the memento should be in English
      • the memento should be on-topic (the content is related to the topic of the collection)
      • the memento should produce a visually attractive snippet on Storify, an article ( is more preferred than a homepage (
      • the memento should not be a (near-)duplicate of another memento in the list
      • a memento with no missing resources is a better choice than a memento that is missing resources
  2. Hypercane performed the following steps:
    1. It gathered metadata from Archive-It's interface using Archive-It Utilities
    2. It formatted the data for the story based on this metadata report and the URI-Ms supplied by the expert archivists.
  3. Raintale took the input from Hypercane and rendered the final product with information supplied by MementoEmbed.

Other information about the creation and use of this story:

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Dark and Stormy Archives - Puddles

Visit the Dark and Stormy Archives (DSA) project web site for information on research, software, and more that supports storytelling with web archives.